- Karolinska Institute, Opuscula Medica Lecture, Closing the loop - from Decision systems to Statistical Models, November, 2023
- University of Tuebingen, Probabilistic Numerics Spring School, Invited Talk, Modulated Surrogates for Bayesian Optimisation, March, 2023
- Danish Technical University, Invited Talk, Exploiting Equivalence Classes in Sequential Decision Making, February, 2023
- Daghsthul Seminar, Machine learning for science: bridging data-driven and mechanistic modelling, September, 2022
- Danish Technical University, Invited Talk, Generative Models for Sequential Alignment, September, 2022
- Karolinska Institute, Invited Talk, What is AI?, September, 2022
- University of Manchester, Invited Talk, Latent Variable Models for Multi-modal data, April, 2022
- University of Antwerpen, Invited Talk, Deep Neural Networks as Point Estimates for Deep Gaussian Processes, March, 2022
- HDRUK, CDT Invited Talk, An Introduction to Bayesian Optimisation, February, 2022
- Lifting Kernel Methods, Invited Talk, Modulated Surrogates for Bayesian Optimisation, January, 2022
-, Invited Talk, Modulated Surrogates for Bayesian Optimisation, June, 2021
- Astra Zeneca, Invited Talk, Surrogate Models for Active Learning, March, 2021
- University of Cambridge, Accelerate Winter School, Machine Learning and the Scientific Principle, February, 2021
- University of Oxford, OatML Seminar, Composite Functions and Uncertainty, January, 2021
- University of Cambridge, AI Group Seminar, Modulated Surrogates for Bayesian Optimisation, November, 2020
- University of Cambridge, Invited Talk, Introduction to Bayesian Optimisation, August, 2020
- University of Warwick, Invited Talk, Modulated Surrogates for Bayesian Optimisation, February 2020
- University of Genoa, Invited Talk, Monotonic Gaussian Process Flow, January 2020
- Deep Structures, Workshop, Composite Uncertainty in Gaussian Processes, December 2019
- University of Cambridge, Data efficient and interpretable machine learning, November 2019
- Bending Spoons, Invited Talk, Intelligent Machines?, September 2019
- Applied Inverse Problems, Workshop, Latent variable models using marginal Gaussian processes, July 2019
- Motion Picture Company, Invited Talk, No Free Lunch?, June 2019
- Siemens, Munich, Learning Alignments, March 2019
- University of Örebro, Invited Talk, Composite Stochastic Processes, January 2019
- Rolls Royce, Invited Talk, Machine Learning, January 2019
- Prowler, Invited Talk, Learning Alignments, January 2019
- University of Bristol, School Research Day, Plenary Talk, Data efficient learning, November 2018
- University of Bristol, Math Department, Stochastic Variational Inference, November 2018
- University of Bristol, Neuroscience research talk, Factorised Dependency Structures, October 2018
- University of Bristol, Math Department, Gaussian processes and our lost friend the Factor Graph, October 2018
- ClusterOne, Webinar, Free lunch? What allows us to learn from data?, September 2018
- University of Exeter, Invited Talk, Composite Bayesian Modelling, May 2018
- Imperial College London, Invited Talk, Data efficient and interpretable machine learning, April 2018
- Siemens, Munich, Gaussian Processes - Recent advances, March 2018
- Vicarious, Invited Talk, Bayesian non-parametrics and priors over functions, February 2018
- University of Bath, Invited Talk, Data efficient and interpretable machine learning, January 2018
- University of Sheffield, Invited Talk, Factorised Gaussian Processes, June 2017
- Gaussian Process Approximation Workshop, Berlin, Latent Gaussian Process Regression, May 2017
- European Robotic Forum, Edinburgh, Learning in Robotics, April 2017
- Amazon Machine Learning Berlin, Invited Talk, Learning from Alignments, October 2016
- University of Oxford, Invited Talk, Inter-Battery Latent Variable Models, July 2016
- University of Bath, Invited Talk, Shared Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models, April 2016
- University of Bristol, SPHERE, Invited Talk, Inter-Battery Latent Variable Models, May 2016
- University of Aalto, Feature Selection using Latent Variable Models, January 2016
- Toposys EU project, Invited Talk, Gaussian Processes, November, 2014
- University of Manchester, Invited Talk, Inter-Battery Factor Analysis and Factorised Latent Variable Models, September 2014
- International Conference on Machine Vision and Machine Learning, Keynote, Factorised Latent Variable Models, August 2014
- University of Linköping, Invited Talk, Factorised Latent Variable Models and Variational Inference, May 2014
- University of Linköping, Invited Talk - Machine Learning Symposium, Manifold Relevance Determination, February 2014
- University of Bristol, Invited Talk, Factorised Representations, December 2013
- University of Uppsala, Invited Talk, Factorised Latent Variable Models - with Gaussian Processes, October 2013
- University of Oxford, Phil Torr Symposium, Representing Sequences with Kernels, October 2013
- University of Zaragoza, Invited Talk, Representing and Exploiting Structure in Sensory Data for Robotics and Computer Vision, February 2013
- University of Sheffield, Sheffield Institute for Translational Neuroscience, Invited Talk, Representing Structure in Robotics and Computer Vision, September 2012
- Blekinge Institute of Technology, Invited Talk, The Art of Realtime, May 2012
- Symposium on Robotic Skill Learning and Cognition, Invited Talk. Abstraction by Structure, April 2012.
- University of Göttingen, Invited Talk, Data representation in Robotics, February 2011.
- Uppsala University, Invited Talk, Graphical Models for Grasping, October 2010.
- ECCV - Vision for Cognitive Tasks, Exploring Affordances in Robotic Grasping through Latent Structure Representation, September 2010.
- KTH Stockholm, Departmental Seminar, Shared Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models. August 2009.
- University of Bristol, Departmental Seminar, The Art of Realtime - an introduction to the demoscene. June 2008
- University of Bristol, Departmental Seminar, Shared Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models. October 2007.
- University of Manchester, Reading Group, Flow Networks and Graph Cuts. 2007.
- University of Manchester, Invited Talk, GP-LVM for Human Pose Estimation. 2006.
- Summer School: A Second Introduction to Gaussian Processes at the Gaussian Process Summer School, September 2022
- Summer School: Unsupervised Learning and Deep Gaussian Processes at the Gaussian Process Summer School, September 2021
- Summer School: Unsupervised Learning and Deep Gaussian Processes at the Gaussian Process Summer School, September 2020
- Summer School: Unsupervised Learning and Deep Gaussian Processes at the Gaussian Process Summer School, September 2019
- Summer School: Unsupervised Learning using Gaussian Processes at the Gaussian Process Summer School, September 2018
- Tutorial: Bayesian Modelling at Siemens Munich, March 2018
- Tutorial: Bayesian Non-parametrics and Priors over Functions at Vicarious, November 2018
- Tutorial: Bayesian Non-parametrics and Priors over Functions at Imperial College London, November 2017
- Summer School: Unsupervised Learning using Gaussian Processes at the Gaussian Process and Uncertainty Quantification Summer School, September 2017
- PhD course: Machine Learning: beliefs, models and inference, 15th Estonian Summer School on Computer and System Science, August 2017
- Tutorial: Machine Learning - Models and Classification, University of Bristol, Course for Sony organised by VILab, June 2016
- Tutorial: Gaussian Processes - an introduction to probabilistic treatment of functions, Karolinska Institute, Tutorial, March 2015
- Summer School: Feature Selection using GP-LVM’s Gaussian Process Summer School, University of Sheffield, September 2014
- PhD course: Representation Learning, 2 day PhD level course, University of Aalborg, March 2014
- Tutorial: Dimensionality Reduction, University of Oxford, July 2007
Public Engagement
- Bending Spoons, Machine Learning, September 2019
- Bending Spoons, Intelligent Machines?, August 2019
- Ledarna, Articifiell Intelligens och Inlarning fran Data, April 2018
- University of Bristol, AI, Media and our obsession with Data, March 2018
- Unionen, Intelligent Machines, October, 2017
- WiseIT, Articifiell Intelligens, June, 2017
- WiseIT, Articifiell Intelligens, May, 2017
- Partsrådet, Digitalisering, inlärning och värdet av information., April, 2017
- Partsrådet, Artificial Intelligence and its implications on society and the labour market, 1 day course, September 2016
- Partsrådet, Artificial Intelligence and its implications on society and the labour market, 1 day course, March 2016
- TEDx, Why I do not fear Artificial Intelligence, December 2015
- Eurocon 2011, Invited Talk. Robotics: What is the holdup, June 2011. Eurocon is the biggest European Comic and Science Fiction event and I gave a talk on why real robots isn't like what we see in Star Trek.